Bill need to be paid? Parents need a date away from the kids? Charity needing donations to complete a project? Nothing is too small or big to consider. You never know what they’ve been through! #6 – Take food, clothing, hygiene necessities or blankets to a homeless person. You get out of them only what you put in! When you withdraw too much without depositing, you’re in trouble! #wisdom #relationships Tweet You are guaranteed to make more than their day! #5 – Love someone? Leave a heartfelt note letting them know you care, appreciate them and respect them. #4 – Help an elderly or disabled person with their daily tasks: walking, crossing the street, getting groceries, etc. #3 – Offer to pray for someone who is feeling down and discouraged. Expressing your gratitude for them goes a really long way when it’s heartfelt. Say thank you for what you do! I appreciate you! Whether that’s the person picking up the trash, making your coffee, driving the taxi or working for you doing various tasks.

#2 – Go out of your way to be polite and grateful for anyone who is in service to you. You might be just who they need! Simply be present. Ask them sincerely, “Are you ok?” and wait for the answer. Instead of rushing about your day, notice when someone is upset. # 1 – Take the time to listen to someone who needs a compassionate ear. In no particular order, here are 26 easy to do acts of kindness ideas that might inspire you to find ways to bless those around you too. Which will you pick? Need Inspiration? These 26 Heartwarming Acts of Kindness Might Help! Yours can be the same.Ĭonsidering these above scenarios alone, how many people could you extend an act of kindness to? My entire day or week has been made by making someone else’s day. Random acts of kindness are the most joyous and fulfilling acts you will ever do. Your act of kindness could single-handedly restore their faith in humanity. You could turn their seemingly hopeless situation into one of possibility. Your ‘simple’, selfless act of kindness could be what makes someone choose life over death. When you extend your heart to another hurting human being through a random act of kindness, you offer hope. How many races and ethnicities are treated with contempt, hate and malice simply because of the color of their skin? (sigh) God help us all, people! How many places don’t even have handicap accessibility? Just getting across the street is a BIG deal for them. The elderly and disabled individuals who have no one to count on. Most of us can’t stand to be hungry more than an hour! Or when we lose our heating or air conditioning … look out! It’s easy to forget that so many people have neither of those luxuries. We have homeless and hungry people all over the globe. Maybe someone’s marriage or relationship is falling apart and they feel totally helpless to change the situation. God forbid they are already working 2 and 3 jobs trying to make ends meet and still can’t! Imagine the pure exhaustion they experience every single day. Others have just learned that they are being ‘let go’ from their jobs and have no clue how they will support themselves or their families. Parents are suffering with their children that are making terrible decisions. Some are just getting or living with medical diagnoses that change their life and their loved ones lives forever. We can choose to do good for someone else each and every day! Never Underestimate the Power of Kindness Random Acts of Kindness Foundation What’s even better is that you and I can carry on this beautiful tradition for many more generations.

Though it didn’t have a phrase coined for it, there were still soft-hearted people seeking to change their world one act of love at a time. I’d venture to bet that random acts of kindness have been happening on planet Earth since the beginning of time. So, where did the ‘official’ idea behind random acts of kindness come from then? It is believed somewhere around 1982, Anne Herbert, a writer from Ohio & California, wrote on a restaurant place mat, “ practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” Anyone and everyone can experience change in their lives from the impact of giving and receiving these beautiful, selfless acts of care & compassion. Random acts of kindness can be done for strangers and friends or family alike. If you can think of a way to be kind and/or thoughtful, it is eligible to be a random act of kindness! they’re my favorite thing in the whole world! ( no, really!) But I’ll get serious and explain this a little bit better.Ī random act of kindness is any spontaneous act of helpfulness, thoughtfulness, charity, love or care given without expecting anything in return. So… What Is A Random Act of Kindness, exactly?