The T-Bar Row will work your lats, spinal erector, traps, delts, and biceps – a perfect lat pulldown alternative! Equipment: T-Bar Row and plates How to perform: However, you will still be bent-over which will require you to brace your core. The T-Bar Row is a classic back movement that will allow you to use some heavier weight than a bent-over row due to its stabilization. Kroc Rows are a heavy, high-rep movement Sets and Reps: 3x 12-20 12. Special notes: Remember, when you do these reps, use some momentum with your body to allow for more reps. Bring the dumbbell up by bringing your elbow back and the dumbbell comes up to the rib cage.You can alter this exercise by altering the angle) Lean over so your back is relatively flat at around 45-degree angle.Place one hand on the support, and alter your legs so that the leg on the side of your lifting arm is forward and the lifting leg is back.

Set the dumbbell on the ground so that you can set-up.Find your dumbbell and bring it over to some type of support to rest your hand i.e.Equipment: 1 Dumbbell and some item for support How to perform: And as mentioned, a little body movement is perfectly ok with kroc rows. Then, you will attempt to knock out as many reps as you can. Plus, you just need one piece of equipment, 1 dumbbell! You are just going to find something to place one hand on and lean over. That’s makes them great for getting in a ton of volume for your entire back musculature. They’re heavier, less technical, and allow for a bit more body movement. Kroc rows are the black-sheep brother of dumbbell rows. Really make a mind-muscle connection with using your lats to bring the dumbbell overhead rather than your chest. Bring the dumbbell back over your head by concentrating on bringing your elbows forward.Hold for 2 seconds while really concentrating on stretching your lats.Lower the dumbbell until it gets just a little below your head level.Slowly lower the dumbbell back behind your head keeping your elbows in and arms straight.Bring a dumbbell up to your chest and cusp one end with both your hands.Position the bench so that your middle/upper cross it with your body perpendicular.Equipment: Bench and one dumbbell How to perform: The movement is actually quite similar to Swimmers except now you are laying with your face towards the sky. This movement is normally associated with being a chest movement but it actually works your lats as well, especially with a little tweak. The second isolation movement on this list is dumbbell pull-overs. However, you can do a variation of it if you are at home with resistance bands as well. Set and Reps: 3x 6-12 Equipment: This exercise is great with a barbell.

The key is to allow your body to come out in front of your toes Your hands should be able to hang straight down while being in from of your knees.Drop until your body gets below 45-degree angle.Think you’re about sticking out your butt and dropping your body out in front of your toes. Allow a slight bend in your knees so that you can drop your torso down.Pick up the bar so you are standing straight up.Grab the bar with a pronated grip (overhand) shoulder or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.Take a loaded barbell and stand in the middle with your feet hip-width apart (natural stance).
This free weight alternative will hit the latissimus dorsi a little differently due to the mechanics but it will still add some serious mass and strength. The bent-over row is just as, if not more popular than the lat pulldown for guys who are trying to build a monster back. Now we’re getting into some free weights. You can also do this same movement with a cable pulley system at the gym.